Friday April 8
3:00-7:00 PM Registration
4:00-5:30 –Â Issue to Message: Janet Bass, AFT Deputy Director, Communications
6:00-9:00 – Welcome, Dinner
Presentation –Â Setting the Agenda:Â Ed Muir, Manager, AFT Research and Strategic Initiatives
National Update:Â Honorable Congressman Donald Norcross, U.S. District One
Saturday April 9
7:30-9:00 AMÂ Registration
7:45-8:45 AM Breakfast and Speaker
9:00-11:30 AFTNJ Convention (registered delegates/alternates only)
11:45-1:15 Breakout Sessions:
- 2016 Pension Ballot Referendum
- Advancing Adjuncts
- Faculty and Professional Staff Evaluation and Assessment: Do’s, Don’ts, and Pitfalls
- 10 Essential Elements of an Effective Lobby Visit
1:30-3:00 Lunch, Speaker, Election Results, Awards
1:30-3:00PM – Award Luncheon
Friend of Labor: Lawrence Hamm, Chairman, People’s Organization for Progress
Joe Del Grosso Friend of Education PK-12:Â Charlie Wowkanech, President, NJ AFLCIO
Friend of Education HE:Â Gordon MacInnes, President, NJ Policy Perspective
Ray Peterson Pride of the Union Award: Dave McClure, Union County College
Local Hero Awards
3:00-5:00PM – United Adjunct Local 2222 Membership Meeting