GLASSBORO — There was no chanting. There weren’t walls plastered in flyers. There was no impending fear of loss. The Senate Higher Education Committee and the Assembly Higher Education Committee met on Monday March 19, 2012 at Rowan University, Chamberlain Student Center, Eynon Ballroom to hear testimony regarding the recommendations submitted to the Governor in the final report of the UMDNJ Advisory Committee. Staff Photo by Tim Hawk/Gloucester County Times
At the joint meeting between the New Jersey Senate Higher Education and Assembly Higher Education committees at Rowan University in Glassboro on Monday, it was a drastically different scene from the perpetual protests and onslaught of banners that have flooded Rutgers-Camden in recent weeks.
Since Gov. Chris Christie announced plans to fold the Camden campus into the Glassboro-based school, Rutgers alumni, students, faculty and administrators have made their disapproval more than apparent through anti-merger campaigns, web sites, petitions and fundraisers.
Contact: Nat Bender, 908-377-0393, Credit Senator’s vision for education and New Jersey that works for all MONTCLAIR…Senator Barbara…